Thursday, December 8, 2011

Visual Techniques
















The two images above are involved in the visual design industry. One is a advertisement for 7Up and the other is a poster design. Both of them were applied with similar and different techniques by their designers to make them unique looking. The 7Up advertisement uses three dimension look to make it pop out to view's eyes. It's transparent liquid and the animated person on top sends the message of it being "refreshing." It uses very subtle colors compared to the hot air balloon poster. Although there were many techniques used on both images, they have very different effect on viewers. The hot air balloon poster used a lot of colors and sends the message of the colorful world we live in, the message of "possibility." The hot air balloon and what it brings along is very saturated on top of the background that is desaturated in light colors makes it pop out despite of how flat it is. Though it displays movement, the 7Up advertisement does a better job with it because it has depth applied to it. The hot air balloon does a better job in capturing attention because of the multiple color usage. The creators had very different intension when making these images, therefore I cannot compare the two too much. It seems to me that the hot air balloon poster will be like more because of how many noticeable techniques the designer has applied to it.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

In this example of good contrast. The editor of this picture turned the contrast up in an amazing picture of the sky. The saturation of the sunlight has been brighten to put focus on it. It also makes the sunlight pop-out at the viewer when looking at it. The darken horizon and clouds help viewers from being distracted form the blue sky and the orange sunlight shinning through the clouds. Putting contrast in images makes them much more appealing. The contrast in this image doesn't necessarily give meaning to the image. In my opinion, it shows the beauty of natural things like the sun and clouds. It creates a different focus to remind people to stop and notice everyday views that they may miss.

This is an example of bad contrast. This image is shown for people to know what colors to use for their website's background and foreground. The colors are mostly light on light or dark on dark. Bright colors are especially hard for people to see, for example, the neon green on top of the darken white background. The dark on dark has a cool style to it but it is hard to read as well. Most of what they have on here makes people squint their eyes to see the text, regardless of it being a blurry jpg picture. It doesn't make the text pop-out of the background, with the exception of the red and yellow. If the designer of the match up had used more contrast and used bright colors against dark colors instead, it would be easier to read the color palette number.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

This image on the left is from the game Final Fantasy XIII. Motion is implied in this image from the many things that are out of place in this image. Based on the way this character's clothes is wrinkled, motion is implied. His clothes are wrinkled in an unnatural way, where as if he was standing straight, his clothes would be wrinkled mostly on the bottom, if it was too long. The glass flying in the background implies shows movement because glass would be grounded by gravity if they were shattered. This image shows that it is in between the process of it being shattered and the time it hits the ground. Swords do not usually levitate. From the bright light circling around the objects or displayed right by the swords, it implicates their movement in air.
This image is from the movie Finding Nemo. This image implies motion with blurring effects. While the main characters in the middle are seen perfectly clear, the fishes around them are blurred. The stillness of the two main characters implies that they are staying in one place. The blurriness of the blue fish around them implies movement and motion. When things are in motion, especially when they are moving fast, our eyes tends to not receive the image very clearly. By blurring the blue fishes, the designers of this image is showing that these fishes are swimming past the characters. Also by blurring the actual shapes of the fish shows motion because when we see a car speeding pass by us, we tend to not catch the exact shape of it.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


This is a image of a basement in one of the fighter's guild in the video game Oblivion.  This demonstrates dimension, depth, space, scale, and size in the world of game design.  The perspective of the player is realistic in a way where it is how we perceive things in the real world.  The weapons in front of the player are relative in size.  The sword on the table, for example, looks larger than the two swords on the rack in the background.  In the game, it is actually a smaller sword but looking at objects in a distant it looks as if it has shrunk in size.  All of the objects in the room are relative and familiar in size.  The room shows linear perspective. The farther the edge of the room is, the more narrow it seems from the player's view.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Basic Elements - Logo Design

In this logo for the website, the designers used dots to catch people's attention.  The use of dots has strong visual power as it grabs people's attention.  The designers also used these dots to form something in a larger scale: the letter G, as in Grant Friedman.  It's interesting that the designers of this logo and website used such basic elements so effectively, since website of resources for graphic designers.

The FedEx logo has an arrow in the negative space between the capital letter 'E' and the lowercase letter 'x'.  The arrow is pointing to the right and in reading the English language, people read from left to right.  With that in mind, the arrow shows forward movement, which represents the company itself moving forward.  This gives people the idea that the company is moving forward, therefore if we choose this company we will be moving forward as well. We should choose FedEx because our packages will get to where they need to be delivered.

The McDonald's logo uses the basic element of color to it's advantage.  The logo is in red and yellow.  It has been said that colors can provoke certain feelings or affect moods.  When red and yellow are used together it instinctively makes people think of food and become hungry.  McDonald's uses these "hungry colors" to their advantage by putting it on their logo, which most people see almost daily.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Visual Thinking Research

My solution.
 In this puzzle of visual induction, I tried to find a pattern in each square and tried to make some kind of connection between every other block.  I ended up choosing C because it looks simple as the others but did not have any similarity with the other squares, which I somehow made sense of it at the moment, after looking at the puzzle for 10 minutes.

Evelyn's solution.
I asked my friend Evelyn to help me out on this assignment by doing these puzzles as I did mine.  Her answer was D, after thinking over it for about 5 minutes.  She explained her process of figuring it out by putting all of the squares together, merging the shape, which is why she thought the answer was D.

Solution to puzzle number 1.
Both of our answers were wrong.  Though its hard to imagine the lines were based on numbers, after seeing the answer, it seems obvious.  After showing Evelyn the answer, she told me that she has thought of it but it seems too random to be true.

My solution.
In this puzzle of matching, I tried to match these Tetris shaped blocks by rotating them in my mind.  I also carefully looked at where each block connects to figure out which one of them are identical.  Rotating these blocks in our mind is a common strategy but I still got a few of them wrong.

Evelyn's solution.
My friend, Evelyn, used the same strategy of rotation and made sure of where each block connects is the same as the matching one.  It seems to me that she was more careful on where each block connects with each other and because she was, she finished this puzzle correctly.

Solution to puzzle number 2.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Visual Perception Feature Hierarchy

The picture above is the BART map.  For those who has ever lived in the Bay Area or lived close to it should know what the BART is.  The bart map uses simple colors and is easy to look at.  Unlike the New York subway route map, the BART map is not confusing at all.  It displays the hierarchy features with different color routes.  To make it pop out, they disregarded streets or highway that are shown on normal maps.  They just made the Bay Area map into a grey silhouette, placed their colorful routes onto the map, and label the stops they have.  To make sure people knows what trains there are and which trains they can take, they enlarge and bolded the text for the last destination.  They placed medium sized white dots on the routes to display transfer points.  I like this map because it is simple and they only show what is necessary.  Their map looks organized and the colors are well used.  It is a good 2 dimensional design for maps.