Thursday, November 17, 2011

This image on the left is from the game Final Fantasy XIII. Motion is implied in this image from the many things that are out of place in this image. Based on the way this character's clothes is wrinkled, motion is implied. His clothes are wrinkled in an unnatural way, where as if he was standing straight, his clothes would be wrinkled mostly on the bottom, if it was too long. The glass flying in the background implies shows movement because glass would be grounded by gravity if they were shattered. This image shows that it is in between the process of it being shattered and the time it hits the ground. Swords do not usually levitate. From the bright light circling around the objects or displayed right by the swords, it implicates their movement in air.
This image is from the movie Finding Nemo. This image implies motion with blurring effects. While the main characters in the middle are seen perfectly clear, the fishes around them are blurred. The stillness of the two main characters implies that they are staying in one place. The blurriness of the blue fish around them implies movement and motion. When things are in motion, especially when they are moving fast, our eyes tends to not receive the image very clearly. By blurring the blue fishes, the designers of this image is showing that these fishes are swimming past the characters. Also by blurring the actual shapes of the fish shows motion because when we see a car speeding pass by us, we tend to not catch the exact shape of it.

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